Sept/Oct 2024 Fall Edition

W e started my show career when I was 8 showing only sheep at our coun- ty show, we decided we loved it, and after some time we start- ed showing goats, I found my passion in the goat barn and had a fire lit un- der me to be great, after a lot of hard work, defeat, and the help of some pretty incredible people, dreams be- came reality and goals started getting checked off. Showmanship was always highly important to me, through hard work, dedication and some help I started winning showmanship across the country, from Colorado state fair, to Arizona winning the toughest division in showmanship at Phoenix, and multiple other shows and jackpots across the country. I was voted into the 2022 best of the barns goat showmanship contest with Hayden Schroeder, Kenna Gay, and Jack Hoyle, that in its self was a huge accomplishment 3 people that I look up to greatly and to be on a list with them was incredible. My mom and I set a goal 3 years ago to win Colorado

state fair with a goat. We’ve had 3 sets of goats that have been special, but this year the set we had was the best set we’ve ever even thought about. They brought a whole new light to the barn. With the help of the incredible Jake P Richardson, we won multiple jackpots, we traveled to The Revival in California and won showmanship and reserved a division and to me that’s pretty special, when we told Jake our goals he said let’s do it and never once questioned us and for that I’m thank- ful. As we get home from my last Col- orado State Fair, sitting here reflecting on the year, it’s been an incredible week, goals have been met and dreams became reality. Tyler Jenkins sent us a sheep that he said was way good, we knew he was nice but had no idea he would ever win a class at Colorado state Fair, let alone a division and go on to be Reserve champion in the Market show. We have never even won a class in the sheep show at Colo- rado state fair so on the last year to be able to have this accomplishment was absolutely incredible. People say they

are on cloud 9 after something incred- ible happens but I’ll say we were on Mars. That sheep was such a challenge to get broke, but he was a honor to have in the barn. We as a family strive to be better at what we do every day, and to surround ourselves with good people. And that’s just what we did to accomplish such a goal, the goat show at Colorado state fair this year was no walk in the park, it was wicked tough and we knew that going in but we stuck with it, so to not only win 2 divisions at this show but to be able to win the whole thing was something special. Without the help of Jake P we could have never even imagined this. The set of goats we had this year had the heart of a champion they wanted to win and you could sure tell. We met some pretty incredible people this year, people that became family. I real- ly have no words for what we accom- plished this week, I am thankful, I am blessed and I am way above the clouds this week! ●


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