Sept/Oct 2024 Fall Edition

It was the moment time stopped for me, tears came to my eyes, I never thought I would be at the end of the halter of the Supreme Champion Heifer at the Iowa State Fair. To describe the feeling of this accomplishment is nearly unexplainable. I experienced a rush of heartfelt emotions, like fulfillment, joy, surprise, relief, and a deep appreciation for everyone involved. As I was coming out of the ring with my hand covering my mouth, I looked up and saw my proud, teary-eyed big sister running toward me with her arms open for a hug. After that moment, I pinched my arm, wondering if I was in a dream. It’s such a huge dream, it’s hard to wish for, for it to come true was so special. Not only did I shed happy tears, but I embraced family and friends with tears of joy in their eyes. Their feelings of immense pride were visible because each of these people played a vital role in my success exhibiting Luna. The Grand Drive in the Pioneer Pavilion at the Iowa State Fair – here is something so traditional and special about it. My family and I have watched and admired the families and the quality of cattle for many years only wishing for the experience of being in the ring one day. As I reflect, I keep going back to before I entered the ring, and the nerves started to hit. As the national anthem was being sung before the drive, I started to tear up, looked up and thanked the Lord for the opportunity of being in the final drive. I had an audience of one at that moment, with that one being my Lord. I could feel his presence beside Luna and I, guiding us with every movement we made. To the Lord, thank you for walking with me, comforting me, and guiding me. Thank you for installing me in this industry and surrounding me with supportive, wonderful people. I acknowledge that all good things come from You, and I am humbled by your grace and generosity. Thank you to Boyert-Core and Hoge livestock for breeding and raising Luna. Truly professionals in the industry and family to us. Thank you to Bailey and Jared for all the advice and guidance making me a better

showman. And a big thanks to the entire Boyert-Core crew that made this journey successful. Quite a crew! To my parents and grandparents, I want to express how much I appreciate all the support and hard work you both put in for our family. Your unwavering love and sacrifices have taught me the values of perseverance and giving my best efforts in everything I do. Dad, your relentless work ethic does not go unnoticed. It inspires me to give my best effort in everything I do. Mom, thank you for being my biggest supporter. Your constant care and encouragement means so much. To my personal crew, Alivia, Addy, and Theo - I wouldn’t want to experience showing cattle with anyone else. We’ve shared many incredible memories, from the excitement of the ring to the quiet moments in the barn. I love our long conversations and laughs that keep us going. Thank you for all your hard work behind the scenes and for your endless support. To Kevin and Randy, thank you for being such an important part of my journey in the show ring. I love sharing our passion for the sport of showing cattle together. We’ve been together through the successes and challenges in and out of the ring. I’ve grown up with your support and guidance. Thank you for all you have done and for all you continue to do. And lastly, thank you to Luna, the heifer that made it all possible. It’s bittersweet, this will be my last year in the show ring. I’m glad I have a younger sister to support and mentor. Plus, I will be continuing my love of agriculture, and the cattle industry in college and my career. When I think about the summer of 2024, it wasn’t just a banner for Luna and I, it was a banner for the whole crew… my parents, my sisters, my uncles, Hoge Livestock, Boyert- Core crew and the Lord above. This was our SLAP, the one that made us cheer, cry, and be called champions and feel so blessed. ●


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