Sept/Oct 2024 Fall Edition

the cattle industry and became a better showman. Whatever your sport may be, I challenge you to hustle, be a good sport and learn as much as you can. MY HEIFER - “LUNA”: This year of showing has been something special. When we made our annual trip to Boyert’s to check out the sale calves, a Charolais in one of the first pens hit us hard. I still have the picture I took of that Charolais heifer on my phone that day and look back at it and smile as this is when everything started with Luna and I. Luna is a BOY Outlier x BOY Smokin’ Monte 7311, bred by Boyert -Core and Hoge Livestock. While I had never shown a Charolais before, finding out her pedigree and that her full sibs had won national championships made her our top choice. We’ve had so much fun showing her across the country this past fall and winter and taking her to my first Junior Nationals where she won her division. IOWA STATE FAIR: August 13th, 2024 was a day that changed my family’s life. Putting the most special day of my life into words is no easy task. It started off with Luna winning her class. The judge Amanda Schnoor kept it brief and said “She is stout, she is bold, she is so good at the ground in terms of her feet and legs. That is a unique female to win this particular class.” Soon after, Luna won the Charolais breed. We were thrilled that we would get to come back for the Grand Drive – after all that was our top goal of the day – something we hadn’t done before. As I walked into the ring for the Grand Drive, judge Schnoor certainly showed an interest in Luna. She was looking for her, studying her, and following her. The grand drive went on, Luna acted perfectly. It’s like she knew it was her time to shine. “There are a couple there on the top end that are excellent, let’s get you a top 5,” says the judge. It was time. The past 10 months have led to this moment. The judge circled, we made eye contact… I held my breath, she turned and walked away, I exhaled and swallowed hard, then she circled back. My eyes were wide-open, palms sweaty, heart racing and then the SLAP. It happened, we were awarded the 2024 Iowa State Fair Supreme Heifer. That moment changed me.

HERE ARE A FEW THINGS I’VE LEARNED FROM SHOWING CATTLE: ONE God is good. TWO Always be thankful and let people know they are appreciated. THREE Believe in your potential. Your only limitations are those which you place upon yourself. FOUR I may be the one holding the halter but success is never reached alone. FIVE Hold yourself to a high standard, inside and outside the ring. SIX “The World Needs More Barns.” - Katie Hoge SEVEN Winning is not the only way to measure your success. EIGHT Hard work pays off. NINE Failure is an opportunity to learn and grow. TEN Correction does so much, but encouragement does more.

WHO I AM: I am Avery Sweeney from Vinton, Iowa and recently had the privilege of exhibiting the Supreme Champion Breeding Heifer at the 2024 Iowa State Fair. Here are a few facts about me: School: I am a senior at Center Point - Urbana High School and plan to attend Iowa State University next year to major in Agriculture Communications. Family: I am the daughter of Jennifer and Rich Sweeney and sister of Alivia and Addy Sweeney. As well as, the niece of Kevin Partridge and Randy Fitzgerald. Activities: Outside of showing cattle, I am involved in the National Honor Society, Executive Student Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), Volunteer Silver Cord Program, Polk 101 4-H Club, Benton County 4-H Youth Council, soccer, basketball and CPU FFA, serving as the past President and current Vice President of my local chapter. I also teach religious education. MY LOVE FOR COMPETITION: If you knew me growing up, you’d know I’ve always been really passionate about basketball. I’ve played since I was in the 3rd grade. The sport has given me best friends and many lessons in life. Basketball has taught me about sportsmanship, working hard, and giving dedication even if you lose a game or two, or things do not go your way. It has taught me how to get up and get back in the gym so you are ready for when you have the next opportunity to compete again. When reflecting after the state fair, it hit me how these lessons helped prepare me for showing cattle and the ups and downs that come with it. My journey in my showing career started in 2019 with Lizzo, a Purebred Simmental bought from Boyert-Core. I’ve been in every place in the ring since then; first, second, third, sixth and so on, but I kept going, no regrets for any of these placings or time spent in the barn and showring. I’ve been lucky enough to show all over Iowa, the American Royal, NAILE, and the National Western. Every experience I gained knowledge about


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