Futurity Rules: 1. The nomination process for each futurity
members are defined as parents, children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews. c. BRED & OWNED EWE LAMB: i. Open to any ewe lamb born after September 1, 2022. Ewe lambs will compete in their specific age divisions. ii. The junior exhibitor is responsible to nominate their bred and owned ewe lamb by October 1 or prior to first show the exhibitor wants to claim points from. Nomination fee is $25.00 per head paid to the USSA. Whole flock nomination does not apply to bred and owned ewe lambs. iii. Eligibility is open to ewe lambs bred by the immediate Family or by the junior member. Immediate family is defined as grandparents, parents and siblings of the junior exhibitor. If the lamb is transferred out of the youth’s name it will NO LONGER be eligible. d. BRED & OWNED YEARLING EWE: i. Open to any bred and owned yearling ewe born after September 1, 2021. ii. The junior exhibitor is responsible to nominate their bred and owned yearling ewe by October 1 or prior to the first show the exhibitor wants to claim points from. Nomination fee is $25.00 per head paid to the USSA. Whole flock nomination does not apply to bred and owned yearling ewes. iii. Eligibility is open to yearling ewes bred by the immediate family or by the junior member. Immediate family is defined as grandparents, parents and siblings of the junior exhibitor. 2. Each ewe must bear the proper identification corresponding to the registration certificate. The official identifying tag for each lamb is the lamb’s scrapie tag or flock tag. 3. Ewe must be registered with the United Suffolk Sheep Association. 4. Ewes must be registered in the INDIVIDUAL NAME ONLY - no partnerships, farm, family, 4-H Club or FFA Chapter names are eligible. If the ewe is transferred out of the youth’s name, it will
NO LONGER be eligible. 5. Exhibitor Eligibility Requirements: a. The exhibitor must be 21 years old or younger as of January 1st. There is no lower age limit but the exhibitor must be physically able to show their own sheep. b. The registered owner must exhibit the ewe. However, if an exhibitor has two ewes in the same class or is physically impaired, another junior member may exhibit the ewe. c. Exhibitors must have current membership in the United Junior Suffolk Sheep Association. 6. Ewes and points earned in the futurity are not transferable to any other person, nor are points transferable from one lamb to another. 7. Ewes can be shown in any class, including commercial ewe and market lamb classes. 8. Futurity participants can compete with up to two ewes per futurity program, a total of eight ewes. Points cannot be combined. An exhibitor will be paid for one ewe in each futurity program. 9. If registration papers are not received by the first show, it is the exhibitor’s responsibility to show the ewe is in the proper age category and have sales receipt to prove ownership for purchased animals. 10. PREMIUMS: Premiums will be paid within two weeks following March 23. Premium payout will be based on participation. a. OWNED EWE LAMB: A minimum of $100 will be paid to the winner of each district. The overall Owned Ewe Lamb winner will receive a minimum of $500 total premium payout. b. OWNED YEARLING EWE is a national competition, not split into districts, with 100% payback (nomination fees will be total premiums paid out). c. BRED & OWNED DIVISIONS are a national competition, not split into districts, with 100% payback (nomination fees will be total premiums paid out).
program is as follows: a. OWNED EWE LAMB:
i. Open to ewe lamb born after September 1, 2022. Ewe lambs will compete in their specific age divisions. ii. Owned ewe lambs are nominated by the seller and must be nominated and sold through consignment sales, organized public production sales or organized online sales. Nomination and recording of scrapie tag or flock tag number is required prior to sale opening. Nomination fee is $25.00 per ewe paid to the USSA. Breeders can nominate their entire ewe lamb crop for a flat fee of $250 per year. Payment of nomination fee is to be made prior to the sale of the ewe lambs or, for consignment sales, the nomination fee can be deducted from the consignor’s check. For all ewe lambs nominated, the consignor owes for the nomination even if the lamb is not purchased by a junior. Ewe lambs that were not nominated prior to the sale are not eligible for the futurity points or premiums. iii. Owned ewe lambs may not be bred by a family member or employee of the breeder listed on the registration paper. Family members are defined as parents, children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews. b. OWNED YEARLING EWE: i. Open to any purchased yearling ewe born after September 1, 2021. ii. Nomination fee is $25. If the yearling ewe was futurity nominated as an ewe lamb, the ewe automatically is nominated for the yearling ewe division. If the yearling ewe was not previously nominated as an ewe lamb, it is the junior exhibitor’s responsibility to nominate the yearling ewe and pay the nomination fee. Yearling ewes must be nominated by July 1st of the current year. iii. Owned yearling ewes may not be bred by a family member or employee of the breeder listed on the registration paper. Family
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