Executive Secretary amanda@suffolks.org
“CHANGE IS HARD AT FIRST, MESSY IN THE MIDDLE, AND GORGEOUS AT THE END.” This quote is particularly relevant to the United Suffolk Sheep Association at the moment. There are no shortages of changes we could discuss. One of the first changes worth mentioning is this directory. For years and years, we did the same old thing. It had some advertising and a list of breeders, and it was what it was. Then we changed it. We went with a new designer, had a new look, made some revisions, and added some content. This year we even changed the name to The Suffolk Source. It has continued to grow and improve and is so much more now than ever. Multiple committees worked hard to generate relevant content and contribute to what you will find inside these pages. Drawings and imagery were commissioned, sheep breeders were surveyed and interviewed, and many articles were written. We all owe a debt of gratitude for the volunteer energy and effort that made this happen. Another change that is discussed frequently is Digital Suffolk. Twice in recent history, I’ve had basically the same conversation about the program, and it was related to youth. Change, especially when it touches technology, may tend to scare some more mature folks. But, on the flip side, I’ve heard about both children and grandchildren of members becoming fully engaged in the program when they may have had limited interest before. This is exciting! The next generation of Suffolk breeders have an opportunity to dig into the data management side of the business that was not there previously. And they’re wired for it. So, while some of
Amanda, our friendly secretary, and office staff can get you the answers or information you need. Her job is to provide the very best service to Suffolk breeders around the world. And she is good at it!
you may be apprehensive about clicking around and seeing what you find, it could be a great time to ask someone else in the family to look around and see what they see. We are seeing some opportunities here that we didn’t even know existed. We are constantly looking around and asking questions, and challenging the status quo. We are looking at what needs to change for the future, and we have to. There’s an adage about ‘do what you’ve always done, and you’ll get what you’ve always got’ – and we aren’t in a position for that to be ok anymore. We are passionately committed to growing the breed, improving what we do, listening to our members when we ask questions, responding to them based on what they tell us, and growing into the future. It may not be easy, but anything worth doing seldom is. The USSA is more than just a registry. The energy, passion, and commitment the board and committee members bring to the table every time we meet demonstrates that just like the pages in front of you will as well. Thank you, Greg
United Suffolk Sheep Association P.O. Box 121 ● Holland, IA 50642
OFFICE: 641.684.5291 FAX: 734.335.7646 EMAIL: info@suffolks.org WEBSITE: suffolks.org
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