The Strategic Planning Committee was established to identify ways to strengthen our association and move towards long-term financial viability. At our planning session, several significant tasks were identified and delegated to our other committees. The goal for this year is to follow up with committee chairs to hold ourselves accountable to completing the tasks agreed upon at our strategic planning session, while keeping one eye on the future. Accomplishments so far include developing a spreadsheet with all the stated goals for each committee, the timeline for tracking progress and a listing of the board member responsible for leading that effort; and regular correspondence between the chair of Strategic Planning and the other committee chairs to monitor progress on each task.
strategic planning
Digital Suffolk The Digital Suffolk Committee works in cooperation with the executive secretary to aid in the implementation and membership usage of the program. Flock entry procedures and data input, along with flock management tools are explored and explained as opportunities arise (such as through social media and educational gatherings). Committee members act as a resource for USSA members as they use the program, and also as a sounding board for the continuing development of tools the program can offer to the membership. Education Committee This year’s goal of the Education Committee is to create directory and website articles as well as generate future program topics and identify relevant presenters. As illustrated in this year’s directory, the committee has provided the following documents: • Structural Correctness & Evaluation Documents • The Suffolk Ewe: Mommas & Milkers • The Suffolk Range Ram Going forward, the Education Committee will continue to produce educational pieces for the membership.
Breed Improvement The primary goal of the Breed Improvement Committee is to improve the Suffolk breed by sharing the latest research dealing with selection and structural soundness, breed standards, genetics, production data, carcass evaluation, nutrition, health (parasite and disease management), lambing and flock management. The Breed Improvement Committee partnered with the Education Committee on the structural correctness documents included in this year’s directory. Budget Continue to explore ways to raise revenue and financial viability for the Association. Continue to review membership/fee structure etc. Research the idea of being a service organization for other breeds that may want to come through USSA. (working with our Digital Suffolk committee) Marketing & Outreach The Marketing and Outreach Committee is focusing on increasing engagement with the USSA membership and promotion of the Suffolk breed across the sheep industry. A new member benefits flyer
was created that is available in hard copy and is now available as an interactive document on the USSA website where web visitors can click on the various member benefit components. See Page 2 The committee suggested that the directory be renamed to use as a marketing tool as it was thought that the term directory was not indicative of the wealth of information being included in the publication. The committee is currently developing a mentoring program that will recruit USSA members to serve as volunteers to assist other USSA members. The volunteers will be available to provide assistance and support on things like lambing, feeding, health, and genetics. The Event The Event Committee will provide support in development and execution for The Event which is a new program that will be held annually. The Event will provide an opportunity for Suffolk enthusiasts to come together and celebrate the breed with educational programs, sale, junior show, and Hall of Fame recognition.
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