Nov/Dec 2022 Year End Edition

STETSON GABEL Thank you for all you guys did to support me! DEANA SMITH, BTW 1st class crew at The Showtimes. Thank y’all for all you do!!!!! TWANA GRIFFITH It’s incredible the impact on our industry your family has had...We were blessed to have you work the ring, and help us out so much at the Red [Angus] show [at the American Royal].

from our readers

KATIE SINCLAIR Good to see you & thanks for everything you do!! [Photo of Laurie, Betty and Lisa Reid with judge Scott Schaake as he picked the Division 3 Champion Steer at the American Royal who went on to win Grand Champion].

Gray : States with The Showtimes : Coast to Coast


ON THE MAP NEW SUBSCRIBERS The Showtimes welcomes new subscribers! In each issue we feature 10 of our new subscribers on our map!

Hailey Eischen / St. James, MN Ross Newton / Bloomington, IN Jack Salzman / Oconomowoc, WI Victoria Hiler / Bucyrus, OH Nathan Wadsworth / Hiram, ME Dale Elliott / Greenbrier, AR High Voltage Cattle Co. / Beatty, OR Sarah Graham / Rosebush, MI Tierrah Rigby / Drummond, MT Hannah Nettles / Piedmont, OK

KIRK STIERWALT Great to see you ALL...!!!


It was a GREAT NIGHT to have a wonderfule dinner and talk cattle, economy and politics!

WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! The Showtimes welcomes your letters and emails! Please send your letters to: The Showtimes Magazine 14510 Brighton Road Brighton, Colorado 80601 Emails can be sent to

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