March/April 2021 Sire Edition

and looked forward to showing him. I feel very lucky to have exhibited a steer that good so early in my career, and I hope I am lucky enough to get one as sweet and good as him again. Showing livestock is a big part of life for me and my family. So, naturally I was disappointed when I heard that Fort Worth and Denver were both cancelled. Thankfully it wasn’t long until I learned that the Meier family were working on a show for exhibitors like myself who didn’t get a chance to show their cattle.

Without their hard work and dedication we would not have had anywhere to show our haired steers. Then all that work and time would have been wasted on cattle that would have just ended up at the sale barn. The Meier family and their crew truly put on a first class event and I can’t thank them enough. They spent countless hours so we could have a place to exhibit our steers. They made everything so accommodating from move in until the sale was over. I am grateful for the opportunity to know people

like the Meier’s. They truly lead by example, and their hard work and dedication to this industry will not soon be forgotten. I am so blessed to have the help and support of my parents, my sister, Bobby Joe and Mandi (Maddox). Also a big thanks to Bodee Schlipf, Jared Hobbs, Tessa Schotte, Kasside Luce, and Jeff Howard. I appreciate you all so much for all you do for me. You all are the best team anyone could ever have. •


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