August 2023 State Fair Edition

champions at KC, Louisville, Denver, and OKC. Carmen and the boys are just as important and then some as any other component in our program. My wife handles so

not ever accept not having the upper hand. It fuels our fires. We both have discussed before how much harder we push due to our adversaries, even more so than our supporters. His relentless work ethic, his kind heart, his ability to be one incredible big brother and role model, and his ability to make me want to be a better man every day. I can never thank him enough for that. His success in the showring on major levels I am incredibly proud of but who he is as a person, even more. At the end of the day, we let our customers success do the talking. The ads, the banners, and the Pulse tell the story. We are all extremely humbled to be asked to be in the Showtimes. We’re just normal people trying our best in an industry we love with a never-ending dream. Can’t wait to see y’all this junior national and state fair season and of course this fall at Divas and Donors Exclusive! See y’all in Dixon! ■


many things both on the home front and helping with the program on

top of a crazy busy career with Ralco. I’m not me and we’re not us without her. The two youngest, Cope and Huck, are wild and busy. Huck is a daddy’s boy and Cope “the Intern” is

a mama’s boy but he is my mini me. Cope showed for the first time this year and had great success

and can’t wait until next year. And then there’s Kinnick or KP as we all call him. I know everyone brags about their kids. We love them all the same and we bond with them in special ways. Kinnick has always been so driven. So, determined. He always shared my type A personality and did

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