August 2023 State Fair Edition

hen I first saw the sale video of TTSJ Joni 53J I knew she was going to be something

but I learned that they make losing with grace a bigger challenge. In February Joni was named Supreme American Heifer at the San Antonio Livestock Show. That night was by far the most exciting night of my life thus far and I am so grateful for the scholarship money I received. After winning a show like that it makes you feel like you cannot be beaten but if you have been in this industry long enough you know that a show ring is one person’s opinion of your heifer on that day. So needless to say Joni wasn’t always named champion like I had hoped for and even though I was disappointed it was an opportunity to keep my chin up. The thing I think is most special about Joni is that she just seemed to get better by the day and it is so exciting to see a calf that you think is great mature into a first calf heifer that is even better, it will be exciting to see how Joni performs as a cow too. With her getting better each day I wanted to make sure I was getting better every day. Countless hours of elbow grease were

special. She wasn’t the most expensive lot in the sale but I

knew she should have been. A few months later our journey together began and we made a road trip from Kurten, Texas

to Madison, Wisconsin where Joni was selected as the Champion Simbrah heifer at the AJSA Junior Nationals. With such a huge win from the start, I knew we were going to have an epic year and I would grow as a person and showman. important it is to surround yourself with good people. Dr. Tyler Mackey and his family have been helping me since I started showing 8 years ago and this year they helped me to prepare more than ever. Our team This past show year reminded me how Joni grew throughout the year and I am so appreciative to everyone that helped to make Joni look her very best on show day, whether it was a jackpot or a Texas Major. Big wins are so much fun


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