Fertility ExamAndHerdHealth Breeding soundness evaluations and heifer pelvicmeasurementswere performed by Dr. Jeffrey Tharp, Holyoke Veterinary Service at Holyoke, CO 970-854-3800. Bulls are guaranteed breeders and sell with an individual fertility examcertificate. They have all been semen checked prior to the sale. All lots have been vaccinated for IBR, PI3, BVD, 7-way, BRSV and Haemophilus and have been poured and injectedwith Decctomax. All bulls have been administered Vitamin E andwart vaccine. Heifers have been vaccinatedwith Bovi-Shield Gold FP5 VL5. All lots tested negative for PI BVD and are AM, NH, CA, DD andM1 free by test or pedigree. Performance, Ultrasound And Fertility Data EPDs printed in this catalog are as of Febraury 5, 2021. EPD adjustments based upon submission of ultrasound scans and scrotal measurements will be reflected on an updated Supplement Sheet. A Supplement Sheet will provide updated EPDs, scrotal and heifer pelvic area. If youwould like information prior to the sale, please give us a call or go towww.visionangus. comor www.facebook.com/visionangus or Brent Vieselmeyer for updates. All lotswith the HD50K logo have been parent verified and sell with genomically enhanced EPDs. Unconditional Sight-Unseen Purchase Guarantee Buyers unable to attend the salemay call and give their bids to Brent, Tina, Austin or any of the sale day staff. We guarantee complete honesty and integrity in howyour bidswill be handled. We also guarantee complete satisfaction for bulls or heifers purchased in thismanner. You don’t like the bull or heifer upon possession – you don’t own him/her! It’s That Simple! Unconditional First Breeding Season Guarantee Bulls are guaranteed for 90 days from the first turnout against breeding injury. Credit for the amount of purchase priceminus $1,750will be applied toward the purchase of another bull in next year’s sale if a replacement bull is not available. Buyer should notify Vision Angus as soon as possible should injury occur and prior to the injured bull being sold for salvage. We ask that all claims for credit bemade known prior to September 1, 2021. This is not a mortality insurance policy nor does it cover mismanagement or neglect. Our heifers also sell with a first season breeding guarantee. Repeat Buyer Discount We appreciate the loyalty of our repeat buyers and offer the following discounts on your purchases: The discount increases 1%for each consecutive year of purchasewith amaximumof 5%discount. 2nd Consecutive Year of Purchase: 2%Discount | 3rd Consecutive Year of Purchase: 3%Discount | 4th Consecutive Year of Purchase: 4%Discount | 5th or more Consecutive Years of Purchase: 5%Discount. Volume Discount Purchase 3 or more bulls and enjoy a 5%discount on purchases! Trucking Discount Receive $100 off each bull taken home sale day!
Free Delivery Free delivery on all bull purchases in Nebraska and surrounding states. Delivery to a central locationwill apply to all other states. Wewould prefer that all heifers are taken home sale day or Tuesday,March 2nd. FreeWintering&Feed We’ll winter your bull(s) free until delivered. Visit with Brent, Tina or Austin after the sale if you have special requests regarding your bull delivery. TopDollar Angus Seedstock Partner
We’re excited to be a Seedstock Partner for Top Dollar Angus to assist you in adding value to your calf crop! Our Top Dollar Angus qualified sires are identifiedwith the logo. Their progenywill qualify as high-end genetic feeder cattle giving you the opportunity to capturemarket premiums that
ranged from$30 to $70 per head above the averagemarket. Top Dollar Angus contactsmore than 200 feedyards and order buyers to help drive demand and bring a higher return on your investment in the Top Dollar Angus qualified genetics. Targeting the Brand™
The Targeting the Brand™ logo is designed to highlight registered Angus bulls and heiferswith greater genetic potential to produce calvesmeeting themost challenging specifications of the Certified Angus Beef ® brand. Bulls and heifersmust meet genetic requirements of +0.65Marbling EPD and
+55 $ Grid to qualify for use of the Targeting the Brand™ logo. InspectionOf The Cattle Cattlemay be viewed at the ranch located 1 mile north of Amherst, CO on County Road 53 OR at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds, North Platte, NE
beginning Saturday afternoon February 27th. Terms And Conditions &Announcements
Bulls and heifers sell under the standard terms and conditions of the American Angus Association. Announcementsmade sale day take precedence over printedmaterial in this catalog. Retained Interest Vision Anguswill retain 1/3 semen revenue sharing interest in all of the bulls in this sale. The buyer has full possession and salvage value of the bull at the end of his useful life. All announcementsmade from the auction block sale day take precedence over printed information in the catalog. All EPDs Are As Of Friday, February 5, 2021 A supplement sheet with themost current EPDs and informationwill be available prior to sale day.
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