295 ◦ Duello TITAN 0021 0021 • Spring 2020 • White
SIRE: TITAN (Turton x 3121 Donor -Troubadour) DAM: 7023 - T7 - Troubadour x 7522 x Tuff (IW) Bred 5/18/21 Collins Bean (Mr Driven x Hef) Calving Ease Char Colored Safe AI • This is odd running a few Chars before the Feature Lots but had to do it to make the pages come out and the whole thing to fit. • These Titans are damn good cattle, Titan was a Turton x 3121 a full brother to Lots 238 & 239 and OKC Lots 4 and 6. This heifers mother sells as Lot 248 and she is sired by T7, a full brother to Lot 1 in OKC • She’s bred high as a woodpecker’s
whole and is a good built, sound constructed beautifully balanced female with more than enough body and dimension.
295 Lot
Dam Sells as Lot 248
296 ◦ Duello Bean 0028 0028 • Spring 2020 • White SIRE: Collins Bean (Mr Driven x Hef) Calving Ease Char DAM: 8032 - Machinest 109 x Troubadour x 7522 Donor Bred 5/23/21 My Kind (Collins Machinest x Meyer) Safe AI
• This is a really good Bean Daughter. You’ve seen Bean as the service sire of nearly all of the AI Safe Char Bred Heifers. They not only come easy you got some great replacements out of your two year olds. • This heifer is ultra-complete, great balanced, super structured with a lot of dimension, body and power. • Sells Safe to My Kind.
296 Lot
Dam Sells as Lot 243
297 ◦ MHRT H078 H078 • Spring 2023 • Gray SIRE: Patriot Son (PB Angus)
DAM: F856 - In God We Trust x (Hairy Bear x Heat Wave) Bred 5/12/21 Torrington (1/4 Maine) AMAA# 426180 Safe AI
• Talk about a gangster lookin, shapely gray one right here folks! Her joints, angles and fleshing ability read true to the Angus on the topside of her pedigree, but this rugged, beefy girl has all the pieces of power and stoutness you could ever ask for to make steers! • Her dam is a flush mate to Patin’s 2020 FTW Reserve Champion Exotic Cross and is flat out incredible as a brood cow! • TESTED TRIPLE CLEAN and bred to
297 Lot
“Torrington” it’s a safe bet to say the baby in her belly could pay for the whole outfit!
Flushmate to Dam
Flushmate to Dam
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